2D animated mascot

2D animated mascot 2D animated mascot

Summer shopping, Heureka.cz

You can shop at lower prices with Heureka even in summer.
#video #2D #mascot #simple #spot #advertisement #campaign #illustration #design #text #animation #animated #producer #creator #ads #leaf #animation #leaf-animation #studio #prague #europe #heureka #searchengine #promotion #marketing #basket #verified #eshop


Basket, Heureka.cz

With the help of Heureka, you don't have to worry about making a bad purchase.
#video #2D #mascot #simple #spot #advertisement #campaign #illustration #design #text #animation #animated #producer #creator #ads #leaf #animation #leaf-animation #studio #prague #europe #heureka #searchengine #promotion #marketing #basket #verified #eshop


Comparing prices, Heureka.cz

If you are looking for the best price of a product, Heureka will help you with that.
#video #2D #mascot #simple #spot #advertisement #campaign #illustration #design #text #animation #animated #producer #creator #ads #leaf #animation #leaf-animation #studio #prague #europe #heureka #searchengine #promotion #marketing #basket #verified #eshop


Savings theory, Okay elektro

What does Professor Okay want to tell us about the savings theory?
#video #2D #3D #mascot #simple #spot #advertisement #campaign #illustration #design #text #animation #animated #producer #creator #ads #leaf #animation #leaf-animation #studio #prague #europe #heureka #searchengine #promotion #marketing #basket #verified #eshop


"Something really Okay", Okay elektro

Professor Okay has something really Okay for us today.
#video #2D #3D #mascot #simple #spot #advertisement #campaign #illustration #design #text #animation #animated #producer #creator #ads #leaf #animation #leaf-animation #studio #prague #europe #heureka #searchengine #promotion #marketing #basket #verified #eshop

Contact us if you want to create a digital mascot


Lukáš Zahrádka

business development +420 721 573 572 lukas.zahradka@leaf-animation.cz

BcA. Marie Smetanová

production manager +420 724 946 942 marie@leaf-animation.cz