2D still mascot

2D still mascot 2D still mascot

2D still mascot

It can be human, animal or thing which has some sort of human features (eyes, mouth, expressions). 2D means it is drawn on flat surface similarly to a paper. Still means it is not moving as opposed to animation and is drawn in specific one position or expression. 2D still mascot is also drawn with specific physical features - those are simplified or exaggerated as can be seen in caricature. 2D still mascot can be used for illustrated children´s book, for flyers, banner on your website, billboards and finally as a brand recognition.


Worker - 2D still mascot

#worker #2D #character #mascot #static #still #image #ilustration #advertisement 


Pepper - 2D still mascot

#pepper #2D #character #mascot #static #still #image #ilustration #advertisement 


Family - 2D still mascot

#family #boy #girl #mum #dad #dog #character #mascot #static #image #ilustration #advertisement 


Owls - 2D static mascot

#owl #cute #wood #forest #character #mascot #static #image #ilustration #advertisement 


Teenagers - 2D still mascot

#teenagers #kids #skate #boys #girls #character #mascot #static #image #ilustration #advertisement 


Lion - 2D still mascot

#lion #animal #africa #nature #savana #character #mascot #static #image #ilustration #advertisement 


Grandparrents - 2D still mascot

#grandmother #granddad #chill #fireplace #home #character #mascot #static #image #ilustration #advertisement 

Contact us if you want to create a digital mascot


Lukáš Zahrádka

business development +420 721 573 572 lukas.zahradka@leaf-animation.cz

BcA. Marie Smetanová

production manager +420 724 946 942 marie@leaf-animation.cz